Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ready or Not, Here I Come!

So, here I am.  I'm taking the plunge and blogging again.  A few years ago, I started sharing beautifully written anecdotes about myself started blogging on a different site, but that soon fell by the wayside.  My thoughts were, "Really, who wants to read this boring crap about my life?"  I've come to realize, though, that I really enjoy reading what other people are doing/experiencing/loving/hating, so maybe you might feel the same way.  If anything, it's just a great way to keep in touch and share pics with family.  A girl can always count on her family, right?  And, as a military wife, my family doesn't just include those linked to me by blood.  My family is spread all over the world.  So, here's to blogging...and family...and duty, honor, country, blah, blah, blah.  Let the complaining and venting fun begin!    

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo!! So glad you're back. Adding you to my blog roll now.
