Hello, it's Monday again! I am thankful to be experiencing another one, especially since I woke up to the sun shining. I had a few experiences last week that influenced my selections for this post, so here are my top three LOVES for the week:
If you don't already know this about me...I really like to read. It's probably my favorite thing to do. I began to really utilize the public library last year in Rhode Island. I used to take my kids to the library in Florida, but instead of looking for the books I wanted to read there, I always thought it was easier to just buy them (and most of the time the books I wanted weren't available when I wanted them). Our little library in Jamestown was fabulous! They usually had the books I wanted, and you could check out movies for free! They usually had new releases, too. I've started visiting the library on base here, and that little place is a treasure trove. A few days ago, I found the book I was looking for, which I had almost downloaded to my Kindle, saving myself $15. I also checked out a few travel books, which will come in handy for planning our first trip off island. I love it there so much that I asked to volunteer. I have seriously been considering getting my graduate degree in library science. Can you tell that I really love the library?

Living overseas makes finding some of the things you are used to buying a teeny bit more difficult. I had my first "I can't find this" moment a few weeks ago when I couldn't find sun-dried tomatoes and buttermilk at the commissary. No biggie, really. I eventually found the buttermilk. But, I had an even bigger moment last week (and started having flashbacks of living in England) when I couldn't find:
1) Any type of shorts/bottoms for the school uniform
2) Running shoes I liked in my size
3) Silver shoes/strappy sandals, etc. for the Air Force Ball (already had a pair, but was looking for something new)

So, I ended up ordering shorts, and I'll probably order the running shoes, too. Let me just say that I LOVE endless.com. Anyhow, it really isn't too bad. A lot of people here complain about not having Target, Wal-Mart, etc. Don't get me wrong, I do miss Tarjay, but I am not going to let it ruin my Guamanian experience. I am going to really date myself here, but about 14 years ago when we were stationed in England, there was no online shopping. If you wanted to order something, you had to call and order on the phone. The internet was still a "new" thing, and not many places shipped to APO addresses. We thought we'd hit the motherload when we visited the BX at Ramstein AB, Germany. Aaahhh, it was our mecca! I found when we moved to Germany a few years later that the availability of online shopping was a ton better, and many places had started shipping overseas. Here, I haven't had much of a problem having stuff shipped to my house (we have a regular physical address, not an APO), and I really cannot complain about it. There are still a few online stores that need to get with the times, but I have been pleasantly surprised. Plus, sometimes I can't get out to shop, or I plain ole' don't want to drive around to a million stores looking for one item.
Yes, my kids think these rock, but that's not why I am am a freak about them. I think they are pretty darned awesome myself, and my kids get peed-off when they realize that Mommy ate the last one. They are smaller and lower in fat and calories than a regular Clif Bar, and they make the perfect snack, especially when you're out and about. Add this to the short list of things I can't find on Guam. I miss them and love them enough that I will either:
1) Order them online (did I mention that I heart online shopping?) or
2) Have my Mommy mail me some.
It's just another Manic Monday, friends! My Monday is halfway over....I hope your Monday is fabulous, wherever you may be!