Monday, September 5, 2011

Manic Monday

There are so many things I am totally loving right now.  In the day to day grind, I often fail to recognize that there are lots of wonderful things that I enjoy on a regular basis.  It's not that I can't live without these items/people/thoughts.  They just enhance my life and make me happy.  In celebration of my obsessions love affairs, I am going to start each week with a Manic Monday post.  To keep it short and sweet, I'll only list three items.  Hooray for starting off the week on a positive note!  Get ready to be dazzled...HA!


I could seriously eat avocado on just about anything.  Why isn't it a condiment?  That's what it's become to me.  I put it in my egg white omelet for brekkie.  I lather it on my turkey sandwich at lunch, or I may just mix it with a can of tuna and salsa.  Yummo!  I put it in the salad at dinner.  Those are just a few examples of my avocado uses.  If you think you don't like avocado, GIVE IT A CHANCE!  It really is good for you.  Here's some great info on the avocado fruit:

The avocado, popularly called pear, has its roots in Central and South America and Mexico. 
The avocado tree grows generally to twenty meters. The tree can bear hundreds of fruits.
Fruits vary in size and shape, round, oval, pear-shaped and vary in shades of green or purple.
Avocado has a high protein content and is 5 to 25 percent fat.
'Pear season' is normally August to December.
Back in the nineteenth century, avocado was spread on bread in the space of butter; hence it was known as 'Midshipman's Butter' or 'Subaltern's Butter'.


Thank you, Lord, for the school uniform.  We are no longer scrounging each morning to find perfect outfits, complete with matching hair accessories, shoes, etc.  Life is made just a tad easier when the only choices are khaki or navy bottoms and a white/navy/black polo shirt.  Here's to making my mornings much less stressful.

It rains on Guam.  It. Rains. A. Lot.  I don't really mind the rain because it's not freezing cold with pelting ice, but it does make me appreciate the rain-free days when the sun is shining and a cool breeze is blowing.  The kids can play outside, I can go walking or running and the umbrella doesn't have to  make its all-too-regular appearance.  Sunny days make me happy, happy, happy!

Hope your Monday is sunny!  

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